Those who teach must never cease to learn.

Thursday, January 24, 2019

Edgar's Mission Farm Sanctuary Humane Education Work

Last year I began an exciting journey volunteering at Edgar's Mission. I started volunteering there as a Farmhand and got the chance to spend time with many rescued farmed animals who I found have unique personalities, just like my dog and cat. I learned that these animals have the same need and desire to live a happy and healthy life as any companion animal, and I became friends with a lot of them! After spending some time there I got to know staff and other volunteers, and connected with Pam Ahern, who is the Founder and Director. I started to do volunteer presentations in schools talking to kids about farmed animals, encouraging them to connect the dots regarding how we treat and use animals that we have domesticated. My greatest passion is teaching youth how to become solutionaries, to encourage them to look at real world problems and to use effective tools to tackle them. Animal farming is a huge contributor to environmental devastation and poor health...Animal product consumption is linked to major diseases as well as being horrifically cruel and inhumane to animals. At Edgar's Mission we tell rescued farmed animals' stories and people come to learn that they are individuals who want to live, not end up on a plate. Our mission is based on this statement: "If we could live happy and healthy lives without harming others, why wouldn't we? Here I am with Lucky Stars lamb, Boo Boo calf and grown-up goat, Boots!

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